The senior district surgeon of Johannesburg told the judicial inquiry into the Sharpeville shooting to-day that his autopsies on 52 Africans killed there on March 21 showed about 70 per cent of the bullets had entered from the back.
These Africans had a total of 98 bullet wounds. Among thirteen head wounds, eight bullets entered from the back, one sideways, and four could not be determined. Of ten wounds in the buttocks and legs, five went in from back to front, four sideways, and the tenth could not be determined.
Asked about large exit wounds from the bullets, Dr Friedman said most of them had struck bone, and then a large exit wound would be expected. ╥There was nothing to suggest that bullets of an abnormal type like dumdums were used,╙ he said. The amount of damage to tissues suggested that bullets of a high velocity were used.